Usually when you think about using an internet proxy to protect your privacy, you are assuming that this proxy is helping you when you visit different websites around the net. It keeps those sites from getting your private information including your email address and then being able to "follow you home" so to speak.Whew! All the junk mail that has followed me all the way back to my email home throughout the years!
Can you believe that this technology has been around for some years now? Where have I been living--under a rock or what?! Well, it is just a relief to have finally found out there is a solution to this problem. How awesome is that?!What seems hard to believe is that this won't cost us a dime! There is this free privacy-enhancing software that you can use on your personal computer. It can also be run by your company or by your ISP. This blocks banner ads which are such a nuisance. Isn't that great?
There is more than one company that will provide this service. They literally help you knock out all the junk from your mailbox, phone, email, and even your web browser.
Don't you just love the idea of getting rid of all the junk in your life? This is a great place to start--right here at home!!Maybe you don't really understand why it is so exciting to block ads. Well, for one thing it will help you get around the net a lot faster on your computer. Now I have your attention, don't I? Have you ever noticed those banner ads that flash in your face when you are trying to play your favorite game?
They are made to distract you from what you are doing and force you to pay attention to them. Good riddance, for sure!One of these proxy servers is designed especially for those of us who aren't really technical people and need a little more guidance in taking care of this challenge. Since this company has a central database with tons of known ads, the software checks for these and others as you browse.
So it blocks more ads and does it even more precisely than is possible when using techniques that simply depend on pattern-matching. If you discover an ad that isn't already in its database, this software's graphical interface will allow you to get rid of it immediately.Although there are a few versions of this particular proxy server, they all require thread support.
If you happen to have a system that does not support threads, then this will not run on your system.These particular proxy servers are compatible with HTTP/1 but are not constantly maintained. All of their versions use non-blocking l/0. For proxy chaining, you can indicate a proxy name by sending your browser to that particular URL. If you want to debug, you do the same thing, only using the term debug/option.
If you think this is something that might be of assistance to you, check around and choose the company that best suits your needs as a proxy server. From now on, you'll enjoy using your computer and going online without the junk!